Upcoming Projects and Scripts

11161 hits since February 2, 1997

htmlscript - Available FREE from participating ISP's and Hosting Services

Below is a list of projects that I foresee myself creating and posting to this archive in the near future. I have a very limited time to work on these CGI scripts, and therefore it can often take me a while just to release a new script. If you have an idea for a new script, let me know via this comment form.

A CGI/Perl Book! (Click here for your chance to win a copy)
Will include more advanced versions of my scripts along with several new ones, all heavily commented and explained. Full installation and customization details included for Unix, Windows, and MacOS operating systems. CD included with additional goodies!

WWW Statistics Program - Estimated Release Date: May, 1997
This program will be used as a server side include on any page that you wish to track accesses on. It will also work with the graphical counter program, which you can link up to a company logo and record your statistics. Comes with perl script to then take the access_log file the server side include program has created and make a nicely formatted html output of your acceses.

WWWBoard 3.00 - Estimated Release Date: July, 1997
Major improvements, multiple message baoards with one script, users can edit own postings, newer look, many new features, search functions, etc. Complete re-write over 2.0 ALPHA and much better.

FormMail New Version - Estimated Release Date: August, 1997
Just some optimization of code, maybe a couple new options.

Guestbook New Version - Estimated Release Date: September, 1997
Fixed Date subroutines and new options.

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Matt's Script Archive The CGI Resource Index Matt Wright - mattw@worldwidemart.com
© 1995 - 1997 Matt's Script Archive, Inc.